
Very much enjoyed this- may your dad rest in peace and health and happiness to you and you out family.

Yale Bock

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I appreciate JP sending this to me to make me aware of your fathers passing. Lester was one of a kind. I had the great honor of meeting him and getting to know him when he invested into Data393. He would pull up and you could see his car full of papers, cigarettes and stuff. He would walk into our board meeting with my Partner Lee and I and would review our PL's and Balance sheets. Within 1 minute had zero'd in on our soft underbelly of a problem. He was a Savant with numbers. We used to, behind his back, call him rain man for his ability. We meant it in only the highest regards. He was brilliant, quirkly and kind. He was not there to put on any image...he was there to work. He was always kind to me...always. We loved Lester. Thank god we gave a nice return when we sold or perhaps he would have kicked our ass too:). We sadly have lost 2 of our former board members in Lester and Dennis Meyer. Too soon. --Erik Porter

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Your kind and thoughtful words say a lot about both my father and you.

Thank you.


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John, I’m very sorry. I lost my dad exactly a year ago. I still cannot believe how much I still miss him. I hope I always do. Prayers for your family.

John McCaffery

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John, as someone who lost his dad three months ago, I was especially touched by this tribute to your father. I'm glad that you are putting work aside to focus on your father at this time. I'm also sorry to hear about the loss of your little sister. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.

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This is a beautiful piece of writing and a great tribute to your dad. Very moving.

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I made it halfway through, with tears in my eyes from laughter, and I'm going to finish when I get over to my inlaws house to work. They're probably not going to make it another year (89 yrs old each, and VERY close to one another - wouldn't be surprised if it's a double funeral).

What a beautiful tribute to your dad.

And I don't know if this will mean much to you... your father is alive. I've seen others from the other side, and they lack a body for the time being, but it will come again. And then he can come visit another museum with eu-de-pie wafting up from his jeans. Thankfully my sojourn in my car across a swollen body of water was a little better... yes, it started to sink, and my alternator went out, but the momentum carried me across and I was able to drive out. (but DAMN, that image of your father... admonishing the other passenger... LOL) "Well, that's a fine mess YOU'VE gotten us into, Ollie!"

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That’s beautiful, John!

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